Regular passive ROM exercise (PROME) by a physical therapist is often incorporated in rehabilitation protocols after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). This randomized, controlled trial examined whether or not the incorporation of PROME to a postoperative rehabilitation protocol would offer a better clinical outcome after TKA. Fifty consecutive patients who underwent bilateral TKAs staged 2 weeks apart received PROME for one knee and not for the other. The pain level (7D and 14D), patient's preference (before discharge, 6M), maximum flexion (7D, 14D, 3M, 6M) and American Knee Society and WOMAC scores (6M) were determined in the knees with and without PROME and compared. There were no significant differences in the maximum flexion, pain level, patient's preference, AKS scores and WOMAC scores. This study demonstrates that the incorporation of PROME does not offer additional clinical benefits to the patients after TKA. Our findings may suggest that encouraging patients to perform active ROM exercise would be a better option and that a physiotherapy session by a physical therapist can focus on more functional rehabilitation, such as preparing to return to daily activities.