By using the Floquet eigenstates, we derive a formula to calculate the high-harmonic components of the electric current (HHC) in the setup where a monochromatic laser field is turned on at some time. On the basis of this formulation, we study the HHC spectrum of electrons on a one-dimensional chain with the staggered potential to study the effect of multiple sites in the unit cell such as the systems with charge density wave (CDW) order. With the help of the solution for the Floquet eigenstates, we analytically show that two plateaus of different origins emerge in the HHC spectrum. The widths of these plateaus are both proportional to the field amplitude, but inversely proportional to the laser frequency and its square, respectively. We also show numerically that multi-step plateaus appear when both the field amplitude and the staggered potential are strong. arXiv:1807.02525v2 [cond-mat.other]