Characterizing distinct electron wave packets is a basic task for solid-state electron quantum optics with applications in quantum metrology and sensing. A important circuit element for this task is a non-stationary potential barrier that enables backscattering of chiral particles depending on their energy and time of arrival. Here we solve the quantum mechanical problem of single-particle scattering by a ballistic constriction in an fully depleted quantum Hall system under spatially uniform but time-dependent electrostatic potential modulation. The result describes electrons distributed in time-energy space according to a modified Wigner quasiprobability distribution and scattered with an energy-dependent transmission probability that characterizes constriction in the absence of modulation. Modification of the incoming Wigner distribution due to external time-dependent potential simplifies in case of linear time-dependence and admits semiclassical interpretation. Our results support a recently proposed and implemented method for measuring time and energy distribution of solitary electrons as a quantum tomography technique, and offer new paths for experimental exploration of on-demand sources of coherent electrons.
ModelWe consider a constriction with two counterpropagating quantum Hall edge channels. The coordinate x measures the distance along the edge, taking the center of the constriction as the origin, such that points to the left (right) of the constriction have negative (positive) x, see figure 2. The Hamiltonian for the two New J. Phys. 21 (2019) 093042 E Locane et al