11 Li is a Borromean nucleus, where two out of three objects as 9 Li + n and two neutrons independently do not form bound systems. Two neutrons should form a di-neutron cluster in the nuclear field generated by the 9 Li core nucleus. We treat di-neutron clustering by solving the two neutron relative wave function precisely by using the bare nucleon-nucleon interaction so that the spatial clustering structure is obtained quantitatively within the whole 11 Li nucleus. This di-neutron clustering is an essential dynamics to form the halo structure by making a compact di-neutron cluster, which distributes loosely around the 9 Li core. This concept of di-neutron clustering should be clearly distinguished from the BCS pairing correlation, where no consideration of spatial clustering is made. The di-neutron clustering is a new concept and is a general phenomenon in neutron skin and neutron halo nuclei.This quantitative description of di-neutron clustering has made it necessary to consider another important deuteron-like tensor correlation, which is caused by strong tensor interaction in the nucleon-nucleon interaction. The tensor interaction originates from pion exchange and known to provide large attraction to form the 4 He nucleus. The unique feature of the tensor correlation is to make highly correlated deuteron-like excitation, which interferes with shell model like structure in a unique way. This dynamical effect removes the magic number effect and makes There is a theoretical study on the pairing property and the E1 excitation in 11 Li by Esbensen and Bertsch [10]. In their study, it is essential to bring down the s 1/2 orbit to reproduce the experimental E1 excitation spectrum. As for the pairing correlation, there are many studies to describe 11 Li as the BCS state. In the study of Meng and Ring [11], they describe 11 Li in terms of a relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model. In this study, they can include the continuum effect in their pairing correlations. In the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model, the s-wave contribution comes out to be about a quarter of the p-wave contribution for the paired two neutrons. We need more participation of the s-wave component as compared to the finding of the experimental data of Simon et al. [3].There is another interpretation on the halo structure as due to deformation. In the work of Varga, Suzuki and Lovas [12], they try to break the 9 Li core and introduce the cluster structure. The wave function of 11 Li is written as 4 He+t + 4n and take the interaction among them by a phenomenological central interaction. In this way, they can introduce the effect of the deformation and pairing correlations among the nucleons. The deformation effect provides a large matter radius and some s-wave component in the wave function.The theoretical challenge on the halo structure is therefore summarized as follows. There are many indications that the s-wave component is very large in the ground state wave function. Hence, we have to find a mechanism to bring down the s 1/2 orbit with the amount...