The educational process must be increasingly considered and improved because there are so many challenges that will be faced in 21st century learning.
21st century learning is learning that integrates literacy skills, knowledge skills, skills and attitudes as well as mastery of technology. The educational process in Indonesia must have skills that are able to provide competitiveness in the 21st century learning process, one of which is scientific literacy skills.Defining scientific literacy is the ability to use scientific knowledge, draw evidence-based conclusions to understand and help make decisions about nature and through human activities. Scientific literacy is certainly expected to be able to grow science process skills in supporting and increasing the credibility of education in Indonesia.Science Process Skills are skills used to describe problems in scientific investigations, compose and find new knowledge in learning activities. This study was correlational research with ex post facto approach was investigated the correlation of science literact toward biological science process skills. The samples of this study were 163 students of Senior High School in Jeneponto Regency as the rural area and in Makassar City, Indonesia, as the urban area. The science literacy and biological science process skill data were collected using essay test that validated before use. The data were analysis using simple regression analysis. The result of study showed that science literacy was contributed to biological science process skill as many as 25,8% (in rural area as many as 21,8, and in urban area as many as 23,4%). In developing scientific literacy skills in rural areas, there are many obstacles because the geographical location is quite far from urban areas, causing the lack of facilities and infrastructure needed to develop science process skills.