We initiate the program of extending to higher-rank graphs (k-graphs) the geometric classification of directed graph C * -algebras, as completed in the 2016 paper of Eilers, Restorff, Ruiz, and Sørensen [ERRS16]. To be precise, we identify four "moves," or modifications, one can perform on a k-graph Λ, which leave invariant the Morita equivalence class of its C * -algebra C * (Λ). These moves -insplitting, delay, sink deletion, and reduction -are inspired by the moves for directed graphs described by Sørensen [Sø13] and Bates-Pask [BP04]. Because of this, our perspective on k-graphs focuses on the underlying directed graph. We consequently include two new results, Theorem 2.3 and Lemma 2.9, about the relationship between a k-graph and its underlying directed graph.1 A graph E has finitely many vertices iff C * (E) is unital.