As bstract. Specific binding of '25I-angiotensin to high affinity glomerular receptors varies directly with the level of dietary sodium. To investigate the mechanism of sodium regulation of glomerular angiotensin receptors, groups of Sprague-Dawley rats were maintained on one of three levels of sodium intake for at least 5 d: high sodium (7.39 meq/24 h), moderate sodium (0.88 meq/24 h), and low sodium diets (0.01 meq/24 h). An additional group was given low sodium diet with daily injections of furosemide (1 mg/kg i.p. closely paralleled changes in plasma angiotensin II. Additional studies were undertaken to demonstrate that glomerular angiotensin II receptors are down-regulated by circulating hormone. Rats maintained on moderate sodium intake were killed 2 min after the induction of anesthesia with pentobarbital (50 mg/kg i.p.) or by rapid decapitation. Despite a 50-fold elevation of plasma angiotensin II in anesthetized rats (424±154 vs. 8.6± 1.0 pg/ml, P < 0.001) angiotensin receptor density was unchanged (anesthetized, 1,016±126 vs. unanesthetized, 1,290±84 fmol/mg). The infusion of angiotensin 11 (100 mg/min) for 15 min or 2 h into anesthetized rats maintained on moderate sodium intake resulted in a 50% reduction in specific angiotensin binding that could not be reversed by the dissociation of endogenous angiotensin. These data are compatible with modulation of receptor density by circulating hormone and can not be accounted for by prior receptor occupancy.