Metabolic rates scale allometrically, such that a unit mass of elephant has a metabolic rate much less than that of a unit mass of mouse. To empiricists, the question 'what causes the allometric scaling of metabolic rates?' is one that is inextricably linked to the question 'what determines metabolic rates?' This is because whatever phenomena determine metabolic rates should presumably play major roles in driving their allometric scaling. The fundamental importance of both questions has been recognized by biologists for a century, and studies addressing them have had long and illustrious histories. Introductions to the phenomenon of metabolic scaling and accounts of the historical development of ideas and studies devoted to the subject can be found in excellent books (Calder, 1984;Schmidt-Nielsen, 1984) and reviews (Calder, 1981;Hoppeler et al., 1980;Porter, 2001;Taylor, 1987;Weibel, 1987) and are beyond the scope of this article. Here, we discuss some empirical data from the literature of comparative physiology to address the issue of what determines metabolic rates in animals. We relate this information to the allometric scaling of metabolic rates and comment on recently proposed models for metabolic scaling.
Animals as the sum of their partsWhen data for basal metabolic rate, BMR, are plotted against body mass, M b , on logarithmic coordinates, the slope of the linear relationship, referred to as the allometric exponent, b, in the equation:is significantly less than 1.0, where a is the vertical intercept (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1984 Metabolic control analysis has revealed that flux through pathways is the consequence of system properties, i.e. shared control by multiple steps, as well as the kinetic effects of various pathways and processes over each other. This implies that the allometric scaling of flux rates must be understood in terms of properties that pertain to the regulation of flux rates. In contrast, proponents of models considering the scaling of branching or fractal-like systems suggest that supply rates determine metabolic rates. Therefore, the allometric scaling of supply alone provides a sufficient explanation for the allometric scaling of metabolism. Examination of empirical data from the literature of comparative physiology reveals that basal metabolic rates (BMR) are driven by rates of energy expenditure within internal organs and that the allometric scaling of BMR can be understood in terms of the scaling of the masses and metabolic rates of internal organs. Organ metabolic rates represent the sum of tissue metabolic rates while, within tissues, cellular metabolic rates are the outcome of shared regulation by multiple processes. Maximal metabolic rates (MMR, measured as maximum rates of O 2 consumption, V O ∑ max ) during exercise also scale allometrically, are also subject to control by multiple processes, but are due mainly to O 2 consumption by locomotory muscles. Thus, analyses of the scaling of MMR must consider the scaling of both muscle mass and muscle energy expenditure. Consistent with t...