Although muscle contraction is known to result from movement of the myosin heads on the thick filaments while attached to the thin filaments, the myosin head movement coupled with ATP hydrolysis still remains to be investigated. Using a gas environmental (hydration) chamber, in which biological specimens can be kept in wet state, we succeeded in recording images of living muscle thick filaments with gold position markers attached to the myosin heads. The position of individual myosin heads did not change appreciably with time in the absence of ATP, indicating stability of the myosin head mean position. On application of ATP, the position of individual myosin heads was found to move by Ϸ20 nm along the filament axis, whereas no appreciable movement of the filaments was detected. The ATP-induced myosin head movement was not observed in filaments in which ATPase activity of the myosin heads was eliminated. Application of ADP produced no appreciable myosin head movement. These results show that the ATP-induced myosin head movement takes place in the absence of the thin filaments. Because ATP reacts rapidly with the myosin head (M) to form the complex (M⅐ADP⅐P i ) with an average lifetime of >10 s, the observed myosin head movement may be mostly associated with reaction, M ؉ ATP 3 M⅐ADP⅐P i . This work will open a new research field to study dynamic structural changes of individual biomolecules, which are kept in a living state in an electron microscope.Muscle contraction results from relative sliding between the thick and thin filaments driven by chemical energy liberated by ATP hydrolysis. In the crossbridge model of muscle contraction (1, 2), globular heads of myosin, i.e., the crossbridges extending from the thick filament, attach to actin in the thin filament and change their angle of attachment to actin (powerstroke), leading to filament sliding or force generation until they are detached from actin. Each attachment-detachment cycle between a myosin head and actin is coupled with hydrolysis of one ATP molecule. Despite extensive studies to detect the change in angle between the myosin head and the thin filament, however, there is no decisive evidence that the myosin head powerstroke is associated with the myosin head rotation (3, 4).A most straightforward way for studying the mechanism of muscle contraction may be to observe directly the movement of individual myosin heads on the thick filament under an electron microscope with sufficiently high magnifications. Though cellular functions, such as development, growth, and differentiation, are very readily impaired by electron beam irradiation (critical electron dose, 10 Ϫ9 Ϫ10 Ϫ5 C͞cm 2 ), crystalline structures of various biomolecules are known to be resistant to much higher electron doses (5). This indicates the possibility of studying dynamic structural changes of living biomolecules in an electron microscope, using a gas environmental (hydration) chamber (EC), a device to keep the specimen in wet state in an electron microscope (5). In fact, Fukushima...