Abstract. In this note, we show that results of U. Baumgartner and G. A. Willis concerning contraction groups of automorphisms of metrizable totally disconnected, locally compact groups remain valid also in the non-metrizable case, if one restricts attention to automorphisms for which small tidy subgroups exist.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 22D05. Secondary 22D40, 22D45.Given an automorphism α of a locally compact group G, its contraction group U α is the group of all x ∈ G such that lim n→∞ α n (x) = 1. Contraction groups arise in the study of semistable convolution semigroups on second countable groups [6], [8]. Contraction groups in p-adic Lie groups have been investigated in [2], and recently general results for metrizable totally disconnected groups G were obtained, using the concept of a tidy subgroup (see [10], [11]) as a tool [1]. We recall the definition. In particular, twelve equivalent characterizations of closedness of U α were given in [1, Theorem 3.32], for metrizable G. Notably, U α is closed if and only if G has small subgroups tidy for α. The latter property is crucial for our discussion of the non-metrizable case. It is convenient to use the following terminology.