Alter-globalization movement (AGM) studies have been thus far focused almost exclusively on the left movements’ struggles against neo-liberal globalization. This article uses the Tea Party movement to demonstrate how a right-wing movement reacts to neo-liberal globalization. It discusses the grass-roots Tea Partiers’ (TPers) diagnoses and prognoses of neo-liberal globalization’s impacts in three realms: the US economy, popular control of the political processes and the preservation of the national community. My findings show that while the TPers largely agree with the left AGMs in locating the problems and causes of neo-liberal globalization, their solutions diverge sharply from that of the latter and point to a US-dominated neo-liberal global order. By thematizing conservative movements’ relation to AGM, this article indicates the possible coalitions and cleavages between the right-wing movements and left-leaning AGMs, which suggest that AGMs should not be solely defined negatively vis-à-vis neo-liberal globalization.