Two different definitions of behavioral contrast have been used for multiple schedules. One, interschedule, definition identifies contrast as changes in the rates of responding which occur when subjects move from one multiple schedule to another. The other, intraschedule, definition emphasizes changes in the rates of responding which occur relative to a baseline rate of responding. The baseline is the rate of responding emitted during a multiple schedule that supplies equal rates of reinforcement in the two components. The distinction between these two definitions is important for empirical and theoretical reasons. For example, theoretical confusion has arisen when the interschedule definition has been used to test and reject theories which implicitly define contrast by the intraschedule definition. min extinction (ext), mult VI 2-min VI 2-min, mult VI 2-min VI 30-sec, and mult VI 2-min VI 2-min. Positive contrast would occur if the rate of responding emitted during the constant, VI 2-min, component increased when subjects moved from the mult VI 2-min VI 2-min to the mult VI 2-min ext schedule, or from the mult VI 2-min VI 30-sec schedule to the final mult VI 2-min VI 2-min schedule. Both would be positive contrast because responding in the constant component increased when the rate of reinforcement obtained from the variable component decreased (either from VI 2-min to ext or from VI 30-sec to VI 2-min). Negative contrast would occur if the rate of responding emitted during the VI 2-min component decreased when subjects moved from the mult VI 2-min ext to the mult VI 2-min VI 2-min schedule or from the mult VI 2-min VI 2-min to the mult VI 2-min VI 30-sec schedule. Both decreases would be negative contrast because constant-component responding decreased when the variable rate of reinforcement increased (from ext to VI 2-min or from VI 2-min to VI 30-sec).The second, intraschedule definition (e.g., McSweeney, 1978), assesses positive and negative contrast by comparing the rates of responding emitted during component schedules which supply unequal rates of reinforcement to baseline rates of responding emitted when the components supply equal rates. The equal baseline rates of reinforcement are both iden-457 1979, 32,[457][458][459][460][461] NUMBER 3 (NOVEMBER)