DOI: 10.1186/2036-7902-5-s1-s9
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Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in blunt abdominal trauma

Abstract: In the assessment of polytrauma patient, an accurate diagnostic study protocol with high sensitivity and specificity is necessary. Computed Tomography (CT) is the standard reference in the emergency for evaluating the patients with abdominal trauma. Ultrasonography (US) has a high sensitivity in detecting free fluid in the peritoneum, but it does not show as much sensitivity for traumatic parenchymal lesions. The use of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) improves the accuracy of the method in the diagnosis an… Show more

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Cited by 58 publications
(41 citation statements)
References 32 publications
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“…El cuadro clínico de la rotura esplénica traumática se caracteriza por dolor abdominal, dolor torácico, palidez cutáneo-mucosa, taquicardia, contractura abdominal, inconsciencia, shock, hipotensión arterial, vómitos, polipnea, sudoración… Es importantísimo destacar la ausencia de sintomatología al comienzo del proceso, que hace necesario el estudio con técni-cas especiales de imagen con contraste 13 , así como también tener presente la velocidad del deterioro del paciente cuando la rotura se produce en dos tiempos al estallar la cápsula esplénica días después del traumatismo.…”
Section: Conclusiónunclassified
“…El cuadro clínico de la rotura esplénica traumática se caracteriza por dolor abdominal, dolor torácico, palidez cutáneo-mucosa, taquicardia, contractura abdominal, inconsciencia, shock, hipotensión arterial, vómitos, polipnea, sudoración… Es importantísimo destacar la ausencia de sintomatología al comienzo del proceso, que hace necesario el estudio con técni-cas especiales de imagen con contraste 13 , así como también tener presente la velocidad del deterioro del paciente cuando la rotura se produce en dos tiempos al estallar la cápsula esplénica días después del traumatismo.…”
Section: Conclusiónunclassified
“…33,34 CT is characterized by excellent diagnostic accuracy for the detection of abdominal traumatic injuries but should be limited by ionizing radiation in children. 29,31,35 CT imaging may not be appropriate for low-or moderate-energy isolated trauma where the diagnostic yield is insignificant. 35,36 CEUS could be an alternative modality as a complementary technique to greyscale ultrasonography and has been shown to improve the detection of solid organ injuries in adults.…”
Section: Clinical Applications Blunt Abdominal Traumamentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Children with low-energy or localized trauma can be adequately managed using ultrasonography alone, although considered inadequate by some authors. 30 Focused assessment with sonography for trauma is valuable in detecting haemoperitoneum and crucial for the initial evaluation of patients who are haemodynamically unstable, 31,32 with reported 80% sensitivity and 96% specificity for detecting haemoperitoneum. 32 However, up to 30% of solid organ traumatic lesions can be missed on a focused assessment with sonography for trauma scan.…”
Section: Clinical Applications Blunt Abdominal Traumamentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…18,19 It does not only lead to a great improvement in diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound but also in the guidance and evaluation of responses to therapy such as in the study of focal liver lesions, follow-up of traumatic injuries of abdominal parenchymal organs, and characterization of breast lesions. [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] Assessment of early radiotherapy treatment response is becoming increasingly important to predict overall survival, guide subsequent treatment, and customize personalized treatment. [29][30][31][32][33][34] Animal studies have shown a response in glioma tumor models to radiotherapy that can be detected between 1 day and 4 days after treatment through 13 C magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%