Atom matterwave interferometry requires mirror and beam splitter pulses that are robust to inhomogeneities in field intensity, magnetic environment, atom velocity, and Zeeman substate. We present theoretical results which show that pulse shapes determined using quantum control methods can significantly improve interferometer performance by allowing broader atom distributions, larger interferometer areas, and higher contrast. We have applied gradient ascent pulse engineering (GRAPE) to optimize the design of phase-modulated mirror pulses for a Mach-Zehnder light-pulse atom interferometer, with the aim of increasing fringe contrast when averaged over atoms with an experimentally relevant range of velocities, beam intensities, and Zeeman states. Pulses were found to be highly robust to variations in detuning and coupling strength and offer a clear improvement in robustness over the best established composite pulses. The peak mirror fidelity in a cloud of ∼ 80 μK 85 Rb atoms is predicted to be improved by a factor of 2 compared with standard rectangular π pulses.