White-beam synchrotron topography has been demonstrated to be well suited for observation of all kinds of ferroelastic and ferroelectric twin domains. It is found that the domains that are misorientated against each other always appear as orientation contrasts in the topographs, while the antiparallel domains with parallel lattices may show different diffraction intensity by the synchrotronradiation anomalous-scattering effect. Based on the reciprocal-lattice splitting and the diffraction geometry, a general method of determination of the image displacement associated with two misoriented domains is given to explain their orientation contrast. It is also revealed that the anomalous-scattering contrast of antiparallel domains arises from the anomalous-dispersion terms of the noncentrosymmetric atoms in the unit cell of ferroelectric crystals.strain and polarization senses and to detect symmetric aspects of ferroic twins in a set of reflections recorded simultaneously (Yao, 1992; E1-Korashy, Hou, Dudley & Phillips, Roberts, Sheffen-Lauenroth & Darn, 1987). Based on the extremely strong intensity and natural high collimation of SR, this technique may also be applicable for real-time observation of domain dynamics during the variation of sample environment . In this paper, we demonstrate the SR topographic contrast of several typical ferroelastic and ferroelectric domains, and describe the general mechanisms underlying the domain diffraction by continuous X-ray topography. In fact, the observed contrast features and the diffraction mechanisms presented apply not only to ferroelastic and ferroelectric domains, but also to all other kinds of twinnings or domains generated during growth, by mechanical load and phase transitions.