A real-time image reconstruction method for scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is proposed. With an algorithm requiring only the center of mass (COM) of the di raction pa ern at one probe position at a time, it is able to update the resulting image each time a new probe position is visited without storing any intermediate di raction pa erns. The results show clear features at higher spatial frequency, such as atomic column positions. It is also demonstrated that some common post processing methods, such as band pass filtering, can be directly integrated in the real time processing flow. Compared with other reconstruction methods, the proposed method produces high quality reconstructions with good noise robustness at extremely low memory and computational requirements. An e icient, interactive open source implementation of the concept is further presented, which is compatible with framebased, as well as event-based camera/file types. This method provides the a ractive feature of immediate feedback that microscope operators have become used to, e.g. conventional high angle annular dark field STEM imaging, allowing for rapid decision making and fine tuning to obtain the best possible images for beam sensitive samples at the lowest possible dose.