We study the Kitaev model in a [001] magnetic field employing the mean field theory in the Majorana fermion representation. The mean field Hamiltonian of the system has the Bogoliubov de-Gennes (BdG) form of a 2D superconductor. We discover a robust gapless regime in intermediate magnetic field for both gapless and gapped anti-ferromagnetic Kitaev model with Jx = Jy before the system is polarized in high magnetic field. A topological phase transition connecting two gapless phases with a nodal line phase takes place at a critical magnetic field hc 1 in this regime. While the nodal line phase at hc 1 disappears when the mirror symmetry Jx = Jy is broken, the nodal point gapless phase can exist at intermediate fields even without the mirror symmetry. We reveal that the phase evolution of the system in the magnetic field is driven by the competition between the magnetic field and the particle-hole asymmetry of the normal state of the BdG Hamiltonian, which results in the robust intermediate gapless phase for the anti-ferromagnetic case. For ferromagnetic case, there is no intermediate phase transition before polarization. The above phase diagrams are confirmed by dynamical mean field theory results. arXiv:1806.04184v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 3 Sep 2018