The article deals with the peculiarities of using contrastive analysis of a literary text as a method of teaching translation. It has been established that the methodology of teaching contrastive translation is aimed at the formation of contrastive competence, an essential component of translation competence, which involves the formation of autolinguodidactic skills of contrastive analysis of language and speech material and the application of the obtained results while translating texts. There have been defined and the educational objectives of applying contrastive analysis of a literary text in translation practice classes (to teach the linguistic interpretation of a particular text and style; to analyse the translation by its comparing with the original text; to determine (find) the background vocabulary and symbolic words in the text; to carry out the elimination of lacunas of non-equivalent vocabulary; to interpret the text within the entire work of the author, literary movement or national literature; to integrate the theoretical basics of contrastive analysis of the source and target texts into translation activities). The authors have developed methodological recommendations for the use of contrastive analysis while translating literary texts for educational purposes, as well as a scheme (procedure) for conducting a contrastive analysis of the source and target texts. Applying the contrastive analysis of the literary text as a method of teaching translation allows us to combine the formation of students’ linguistic, speech, communicative, and translation competencies into one educational process, that is, to train a competent philologist-translator.