Objective: to understand how women with a history of substance abuse elaborate theirmotivations for abstinence, through dialogue with Edith Stein’s Phenomenology. Methodology:qualitative study with three female drug users. The participants, who were chosen throughdeliberate sampling, took part in individual and semi-structured interviews that were audiorecordedand completely transcribed. Based on the phenomenological method, the interviewswere analyzed. Results: distinct experiences (sensory, empathetic, and volitional) appear asmobilizing in the elaboration of each participant about their abstinence process. In dialogue withStein, the process of acceptance of these mobilizing experiences was recognized, as well as therecognition of human finitude and the activation of the will aimed at changing the state of things.Conclusion: it is concluded that it is possible to identify shared elements, just as it is importantto emphasize the specificity of each story and recognize the uniqueness of each woman whoexperiences or has experienced substance abuse.