Abstract. This paper shows the results from my research trajectory and my
collaboration in cooperative projects with economically disadvantaged
of the urban periphery of Francisco Beltrão (Brazil). I initially reflect
on the relevance of an analysis of urban social movements, asking how current
urban conflicts can be understood from a territorial perspective. I will
first develop a specific definition of territory, which seeks to become
operative in collaboration with diverse subjects and in the
analysis of territorial development based on the place. Such a
conceptualization of territory provides a territorial analysis furthering
transformation towards a fairer, solidary, and ecological society. I show how
this fairer society emerges in a multidimensional way, emanating
from the processes of territorialization, deterritorialization, and
reterritorialization. Finally, by linking these processes with the
current processes of territorial development (in research, analysis, and
active participation), this study contributes to a more dialogical and
counter-hegemonic perspective, especially in relation to Latin America.