Many years ago, a model was elaborated to calculate the«beginning of the vegetation's period», based on temperatures only (7 days with +5 °C temperature or more). The results were correlated with phenological data: the beginning of shoots with regard to spruce and larch. The results were not satisfying, therefore, the value of the two parameters of the first model were modified without changing the second one. The result, however, was again not satisfying. Research then focused on the influence of cumulated temperatures over thermal thresholds. Nevertheless, the results were still not satisfying. The blossoming of fruit trees is influenced by the mean temperature of a given period before the winter solstice. Based on this knowledge, the study evaluated whether forest trees could also be influenced by temperature or sunshine duration of a given period in the rear autumn. The investigation was carried through from the first of January on as well as from the date of snow melt of the following year. In agricultural meteorology, the temperature sums are often interrelated with the sunshine duration, precipitation or both. However,the results were disappointing. All these calculations were made for three stations situated between 570 and 1560 m above sea-level. This allowed to draw curves of variation of the two first parameters (number of days and temperature) separately for each species observed. It was finally possible to specify the thus determined curves with data of three other stations situated between the first ones. This allows to calculate the flushing of the two tree species, if direct phenological observation is lacking. This method, however, is only applicable for the northern part of the Swiss Alps.