Calorimetric measurements in the AI-Zn system rule out the existence of an O?'-phase and of a second monotectoid reaction at 340 ~ .Two types of phase diagrams have been published for the AI-Zn system [1]; they differ in the presence or absence of the e" phase and of two reactions, a monotectoid one at 340 ~ and a peritectic one at 443 ~ (Fig. 1). For the second monotectoid r~action,two different temperatures are proposed : 275 ~ or 236 ~ [2]. The ~-phase is face-centred cubic and the/3-phase hexagonal compact; the phases ~' and e" are also fcc and differ in their lattice parameters by as little as 0.001 A 13]. It is believed that due to this very minor difference the transformation at 340 ~ cannot be observed, but many authors still use the diagram presented by Fig. 1 [4].