In 1992-1993, the bat species Myotis myotis and Rhinolophus hipposideros hibernating in the Kateřinská cave were investigated by means of regular censuses without any handling and marking of the animals. Three basic parameters of their shelters were recorded (position in cave, type and relative height). In total, during 26 checks we registered 1141 findings of nine bat species. Movement activity, expressed as percentage of new findings during a particular visit, was registered during the whole winter season. Its level fluctuated in different ways and the hibernation period of R. hipposideros could be divided into three different parts, while the level of M. myotis movement activity was relatively high during all season. The shelter selection of R. hipposideros was not dependent on the part of cave where the bats were hibernating, and it did not change during the season. Hibernating specimens of R. hipposideros most frequently used exposed places, in which they were always hanging free. Myotis myotis was registered in all types of shelter with one exception. Rhinolophus hipposideros used mainly the middle part of the cave at a distance between 121 and 180 m from the entrance. The most preferred part of the cave by M. myotis was a small segment of Corridor (between 21 and 30 m), i.e., the entrance part of the cave. Rhinolophus hipposideros is a highly specialized species which prefers parts of the cave with very stable microclimatic conditions and, on the contrary, M. myotis appears to be indifferent to all parameters studied, and it uses the shelters indiscriminately.