All praise to Allah Almighty, the most beneficent, the most merciful, Who honoured man with intellectual power and spiritual insight to understand, discover and to conquer wondrous mysteries. Countless salutations upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), for enlightening humanity with the essence of faith and guiding the mankind to the true path of life. I would like to express my profound gratitude to all those who helped me in different ways during my PhD. In particular I am rather indebted to thank; Luciano Neder: PhD supervisor, for giving me opportunity to work in his group. His kind supervision, guidance, and personal interests in my research work made this all possible. What most profoundly I recognize is that, he gave me freedom, letting me doing things independently with my own ideas and decisions. I took advantage of this freedom for writing fellowship applications independently, travel grants for participating in conferences and writing up scientific articles. Collectively this all made my way to academic growth as an independent researcher. I have really enjoyed our chats and gossips not only about science, but about everything in life; family, culture and social norms across the borders. Many thanks for your support through difficult circumstances that had arisen throughout my stay at Ribeirao Preto. I really had an amazing time with you. Hadi Valadi: my co-supervisor, who proved to be one of the productive additions in my scientific career. It was a great experience being at Gothenburg and enjoying exosomes science in his lab at Sahlgrenska Academy. He provided me the facilities of the lab in a proper, suitable and helping manner and this was the first time I gained very authoritative knowledge about newly described area of exosomes research. This is safe to say that, it will come in very useful way in my future career. Last, but not least, my affiliations with him recognize his patronizing concerns towards scientific goals. There was so much to learn from you. I thank Tao Jin at the Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research at Sahlgrenska Academy for his cooperation and support. And "wow" all those guys at department lunch room with whom I have had company during lunch time.