This Paper delves into the critical role played by fossil fuel-based polymers in promoting United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the face of challenges brought about by swift population growth, suburbanization, and mechanization. It sheds light on the environmental and energy security recompences of converting plastic waste into biofuels and other valuable energy resources through state-of-the-art processes such as thermochemical conversion and pyrolysis. Besides, the research investigates the utilization of polymers in solar energy, energy storage, and low carbon transportation, emphasizing the inevitability of a dual approach that combines advancements in bio-based polymers and recycling technologies. It highlights the significance of collaborative endeavors involving governments, industries, and communities to overcome the technical, economic, and regulatory complications in transitioning towards a sustainable and circular plastic economy. Eventually, it showcases the potential of fossil fuel-based polymers in fostering a sustainable energy landscape, conducive to decarbonization efforts, and endorsing environmental sustainability.