Physiological properties of the flagellar rotary motor have been taken to indicate a tightly coupled mechanism in which each revolution is driven by a fixed number of energizing ions. Measurements that would directly test the tight-coupling hypothesis have not been made. Energizing ions flow through membranebound complexes formed from the proteins MotA and MotB, which are anchored to the cell wall and constitute the stator. Genetic and biochemical evidence points to a "power stroke" mechanism in which the ions interact with an aspartate residue of MotB to drive conformational changes in MotA that are transmitted to the rotor protein FliG. Each stator complex contains two separate ion-binding sites, raising the question of whether the power stroke is driven by one, two, or either number of ions. Here, we describe simulations of a model in which the conformational change can be driven by either one or two ions. This loosely coupled model can account for the observed physiological properties of the motor, including those that have been taken to indicate tight coupling; it also accords with recent measurements of motor torque at high load that are harder to explain in tight-coupling models. Under loads relevant to a swimming cell, the loosely coupled motor would perform about as well as a two-proton motor and significantly better than a one-proton motor. The loosely coupled motor is predicted to be especially advantageous under conditions of diminished energy supply, or of reduced temperature, turning faster than an obligatorily two-proton motor while using fewer ions. motility | molecular machines | bioenergetics | kinetic analysis T he rotary motor of bacterial flagella obtains energy from the transmembrane gradient of protons or sodium ions (1, 2). Although molecular details remain unclear, a general outline of its mechanism has emerged from a combination of genetic, biochemical, and physiological studies. The energizing ions flow through a set of membrane-embedded protein complexes formed from MotA and MotB (or their homologs PomA and PomB in Na + -powered motors), each with subunit composition MotA 4 MotB 2 (3−7). The complexes are held in place by binding to peptidoglycan and thus function as the stator (the part that is nonrotating with respect to the cell body) (8, 9). Each motor contains several stator complexes (10) that function independently (11-13) to produce torque and that are in exchange with membrane pools (14). An invariant aspartate in MotB (Asp32 in Escherichia coli) is the only evolutionarily conserved proton-binding residue essential for rotation. On the basis of this and other evidence, Asp32 has been proposed to form a binding site for the energizing ions (15, 16). Mutations of Asp32 in MotB induce conformational changes in MotA, in a region in MotA that has been shown to interact with the rotor protein FliG (17). Together, these findings point to a mechanism based on conformational changes in the stator, initiated by ion binding/dissociation at Asp32 and acting at the MotA/FliG interface to ...