We report the de novo folding of three hyperstable RNA tetraloops to 1-3 Å rmsd from their experimentally determined structures using molecular dynamics simulations initialized in the unfolded state. RNA tetraloops with loop sequences UUCG, GCAA, or CUUG are hyperstable because of the formation of noncanonical loop-stabilizing interactions, and they are all faithfully reproduced to angstrom-level accuracy in replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations, including explicit solvent and ion molecules. This accuracy is accomplished using unique RNA parameters, in which biases that favor rigid, highly stacked conformations are corrected to accurately capture the inherent flexibility of ssRNA loops, accurate base stacking energetics, and purine syn-anti interconversions. In a departure from traditional quantum chemistrycentric approaches to force field optimization, our parameters are calibrated directly from thermodynamic and kinetic measurements of intra-and internucleotide structural transitions. The ability to recapitulate the signature noncanonical interactions of the three most abundant hyperstable stem loop motifs represents a significant milestone to the accurate prediction of RNA tertiary structure using unbiased all-atom molecular dynamics simulations.RNA folding | molecular simulations S tructured RNAs exhibit a distinct preference for loops of precisely 4 nt, which was originally noted by Woese et al. (1) using comparative sequence analysis of ribosomes. Approximately 70% of these tetraloops are comprised of just three specific loop sequences: UUCG, GCAA, or CUUG. The abundance of these sequences is thermodynamic in origin, because each motif forms a unique network of noncanonical interactions within their loops that stabilizes the folded state. The abundance of high-resolution structural and thermodynamic data available for these motifs coupled with their characteristic noncanonical signatures make them ideal for adjudicating the accuracy of RNA folding simulations.RNA folding is understood to be hierarchical in nature, with secondary and tertiary folds stabilized by distinct thermodynamic driving forces (2). Secondary structure (the formation of canonical helices stabilized by Watson-Crick base pairs) can be accurately predicted from the nucleotide sequence alone using simple nearest neighbor thermodynamic models (3). In contrast, tertiary structure formation is a subtle competition between intrinsic flexibility of single-stranded segments, rigidity imparted from base-stacking interactions, stabilization of noncanonical hydrogen bonding patterns, and site-specific ion binding. In principle, a molecular dynamics simulation using a properly calibrated force field should capture all of the physicochemical properties of ribonucleotides relevant to the RNA folding process. Up until now, however, even small, fast-folding tetraloops cannot be accurately and reversibly folded from the unfolded state (4-6). In contrast, numerous documented successes have been reported using de novo protein folding with all-ato...