If we take into consideration the fact that the radar signal recognition and identification process is an integral part of contemporary combat operations, the importance of the fractal analysis increases significantly. For this reason, the fractal analysis is used in the process of radar sources identification on the contemporary battlefield. Radar Signal Recognition (RSR) with the use of classical methods, that is based on statistical analysis of basic measurable parameters of a radar signal, such as Radio Frequency (RF), Amplitude (A), Pulse Width (PW) or Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI) is not enough to carry out the distinction process of particular copies of the same radar type. Only by this approach, the identification process of particular copies in a set of the same type emitters can be carried out. As a result, it is possible to maximize Correct Identification Coefficient (CIC) in the final stage of the recognition process, which is realized in Electronic Warfare (EW) systems. One of the most important elements of the whole recognition and identification process, which is realized in ELectronic INTelligence (ELINT) battlefield system, is building a measurement data vector, then a radar's metrics and the same database. This approach is called Specific Emitter Identification (SEI).