In this study, we used fMRI to identify brain regions associated with concentration (sustained attention) during a motor preparation task. In comparison with a non-concentration task, increased activities were observed (P < 0.05, FWEcorrected P values) in cerebellar lobules VI and VII, motor cortex, pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA), thalamus, red nucleus (RN), and caudate nucleus (CN). Moreover, analysis of effective connectivity inter-areal (psychophysiological interactions) showed that during preparation, concentration-related brain activity increase was dependent on Cerebellothalamo-pre-SMA-RN and Pre-SMA-CN-thalamo-M1 loops. We postulate that, while pre-SMA common to both loops is specifically involved in the movement preparation and readiness for voluntary movement through the striatum, the cerebellar lobule VI in conjunction with RN, likely through a cerebellar-rubro-olivary-cerebellar loop, might be implicated in concentration-related optimization of upcoming motor performances.