The control of interfacial instabilities using an external electric field has been proven to be feasible in the presence of a nonconducting/perfect dielectric fluid such as mineral oil. In these electrokinetic control strategies, there is a competition between the effect of interfacial charges and viscous and interfacial forces on the displacement. The effect of interfacial charges becomes increasingly important in the presence of ionic surfactants as a result of Maxwell stresses induced at the fluid−fluid interface when electric fields are present. We experimentally investigate the combined effect of electrokinetic effects, viscous and interfacial forces, and local charges on the (de)stabilization of the interface between two immiscible fluids in the presence of anionic and cationic surfactants in a rectangular Hele−Shaw cell. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses revealed that the addition of surfactants significantly changes the system behavior and the system response depends on the charge of the surfactant. Using a surfactant that reduces interfacial tension (IFT) more results in a high viscous force, narrower fingers, and smaller swept areas, which is traditionally undesirable in oil recovery operations. On the other hand, using an anionic surfactant resulted in smaller viscous forces, wider finger bifurcations, and larger swept areas, traditionally associated with positive effects in enhanced oil recovery. Changing the direction of the electric field impacts the overall displacement, but the effect of interfacial charges induced by the ionic surfactants stays consistent. Overall, the work shows that applying an electric field can positively influence the overall displacement of oil by water in a porous medium and that ionic surfactants can further enhance or decrease this effect.