Stepper motors are widely used in industrial and consumer applications due to low-cost, high reliability, and open-loop control capability. Though open-loop features a simple structure, it bears low step resolution, high torque ripple, and low energy efficiency. To improve the performance without increasing hardware cost, a fuzzy sliding mode observer (SMO)-based new sensorless speed control structure is proposed. Unlike the conventional sensorless speed control, it does not use Park and inverse Park transformations to transform currents between a-b and d-q coordinates. Instead, it uses a new current transformation method to generate reference currents of stator windings, which not only reduces the calculation burden of the controller, but also improves the stability of the system. To reduce the chattering, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) embedded into the SMO is designed to adjust the observer gain adaptively, without using the conventional method that replaces the discontinuous sign function with the continuous, such as sigmoid or saturation function. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is verified using MATLAB/Simulink simulation (R2018b, MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) and experiment by assessing the speed and position tracking abilities.