Irrespective of the growing system practiced, strawberry plants are very susceptible to weed competition, especially in the beginning stage after planting, when they are small and frequent irrigations provide perfect conditions for the weed seeds germination. Weeds emerged inside the cannopies, in perennial crops, negatively influence the longevity of the plantations by weakening the plants or even suffocating them, consuming water and nutrients, favoring the infection with diseases and pests, negatively influencing the ripening of the fruits. The research aimed the identification of problem weeds and measures to combat them in 3 different systems of perennial strawberry crops grown under field conditions. The research and assessments were carried out in Giurgiu County at Hotarele in the strawberry crop cultivated with plastic film in rows and straws substrate between the rows, in the village of Oinacu in the strawberry crop with plastic film in rows and in the experimental field at RDIPP -Bucharest where the strawberry was grown without film and without straws substrate between the rows. Two determinations were made on each row of strawberries in the period 2021-2022, using a metric frame and the observations concerned the density (number of plants/m 2 ), the participation (% in which each species participates in the general weeding), the frequency (% where each species was noticed at the observation points), family, class (monocotyledonous, dicotyledonous) and living period of each species. The growing system with plastic film on rows and with a layer of straws between rows ensured the best protection of the strawberry crop against the weeds competition, on condition that after harvesting the weeds that sprout through the holes of the film, on the interval between rows and around the strawberry field, to be destroyed.