In this study, the energy characteristics of jet engines with a toothed stator and a toothed rotor are considered. These are active power, total power, power loss, power factor, first harmonic power factor (cosφ), and efficiency. It is shown that the power factor and the power factor for the first harmonic cannot exceed the values of 0,27 and 0,5, respectively. The study is performed with the representation of all variables of the electric drive with a jet engine in the coordinate axes d-q. Based on the expression for the total power losses, an algorithm for energetically optimal control of the electromagnetic torque of a jet engine is formed. At the same time, energetically optimal control is understood as providing a given electromagnetic torque with minimal power losses. The algorithm of energetically optimal control is found using the method of indefinite Lagrange multipliers. The solution of the system of Lagrange equations allows us to find expressions for the signals of setting to the control circuits of the magnetizing current and load current. Based on these setting signals, an optimal control algorithm is formed, where two control modes are implemented: the energetically optimal control mode on a linear section of the magnetization curve and the mode with constant nominal magnetization in the magnetic saturation zone of the magnetic circuit. A block diagram of the system of energetically optimal control of the electromagnetic torque, as well as the modeling results performed on the basis of this scheme is presented. The conditions under which energetically optimal control is provided are indicated. The results of modeling and limiting characteristics of the algorithm of energetically optimal control of the electromagnetic torque with the control algorithm with permanent magnetization are compared.