OCR is the most widely used for the protection of distribution systems and protection backups in transmission systems. Maloperations can occur if the primary relay and backup relay are not adequately coordinated. It is essential that during abnormalities or disorders, OCR must be able to isolate only the wrong parts of the power system from a healthy system. Relay operation time can be reduced by proper coordination between primary and backup relays by selecting the optimum TMS and PS values. And because of that, relay coordination is an important part of power system protection. OCR time coordination is significant to reduce power outages by avoiding the mal-operative reserve relay. PS and TMS values with the help of MATLAB programming. In this study on the PLN system, Suralaya 150kV IEEE 23 Bus. 4 CM, NLP, GA, and ANFIS methods compared to 31 OCR, 38 main relay pairs, and backups produced 152∆t, 304 main and backup relay operation times. By looking at negative polarity optimization, NLP is superior to 64.340%, while ANFIS is superior to 94.875%.