The light propagation of a probe field in a three-level Λ system with incoherent pumping has been studied when both dynamically induced coherence (DIC) and spontaneously generated coherence (SGC) play a significant role. We have investigated the group velocity of probe field and hence the group index of a three-level Λ system with incoherent pumping when both DIC and SGC play a significant role. We have shown that by varying the probe field Rabi frequency one can control the interference between these two coherences which leads to different nonlinear response (amplification without inversion, electromagnetically induced transparency and electromagnetically induced absorption) leading to different (positive and negative) dispersion. Hence control over switching of group velocity from subluminal to superluminal and vice versa can be achieved. We have also shown that when the contributions from both the coherences are comparable, the dependence of group velocity of probe field in a three-level Λ system with incoherent pumping on phase difference between probe and coherent fields is different from that obtained under the weak probe field condition. Going beyond the weak probe field approximation we have derived analytical expressions for group velocity and hence the group index in the steady state limit (keeping all orders of system parameters) to generalize the analysis, and these expressions can be used for any set of system parameters without any restriction. The numerical values obtained by solving the density matrix equations agree well with these exact analytical values at a large time limit. We have proposed a scheme for experimental realization of EIT and hence subluminal light propagation in molecules by invoking spontaneously generated coherence.