The process of capacitative or store-operated Ca 2؉ entry has been extensively investigated, and recently two major molecular players in this process have been described. Stromal interacting molecule (STIM) 1 acts as a sensor for the level of Ca 2؉ stored in the endoplasmic reticulum, and Orai proteins constitute pore-forming subunits of the store-operated channels. Store-operated Ca 2؉ entry is readily demonstrated with protocols that provide extensive Ca 2؉ store depletion; however, the role of store-operated entry with modest and more physiological cell stimuli is less certain. Recent studies have addressed this question in cell lines; however, the role of storeoperated entry during physiological activation of primary cells has not been extensively investigated, and there is little or no information on the roles of STIM and Orai proteins in primary cells. Also, the nature of the Ca 2؉ influx mechanism with hormone activation of hepatocytes is controversial. Hepatocytes respond to physiological levels of glycogenolytic hormones with well-characterized intracellular Ca 2؉ oscillations. In the current study, we have used both pharmacological tools and RNA interference (RNAi)-based techniques to investigate the role of store-operated channels in the maintenance of hormone-induced Ca 2؉ oscillations in rat hepatocytes. Pharmacological inhibitors of store-operated channels blocked thapsigargin-induced Ca 2؉ C alcium signals, which can be induced by a variety of stimuli, control a myriad of functions in the body. In the liver, bile secretion, glucose production, and permeability of tight junctions are all regulated by calcium signals. The liver is mainly composed of hepatocytes, multifunctional cells involved in the regulation of a number of critical homeostatic hormone-controlled pathways. In hepatocytes, Ca 2ϩ signaling occurs in the form of baseline oscillations that stem from periodic openings of Ca 2ϩ channels in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). 1,2 These oscillations are usually repetitive spikes separated by intervals that can range from a few milliseconds to a few minutes, depending on the type of agonist and its concentration. Moreover, when oscillations become spatially organized, intercellular calcium waves occur, representing an efficient form of communication between cells through which physiological responses can be coordinated. 3,4 Like most receptor-activated calcium signals, the generation and maintenance of oscillations involves two components-the release of internally stored calcium from the ER and the entry of extracellular calcium to maintain adequate Ca 2ϩ stores in the ER. This second component often involves a process known as capacitative calcium entry or store-operated calcium entry (SOCE), occurring through channels located in the plasma membrane. 5,6 The best characterized of these store-operated channels is the Ca 2ϩ -release-activated Ca 2ϩ (CRAC) channel. 6-8 The