The assurance and optimization of stimulation jobs has become very important due to the need to increase profitability in the crude oil production and ensure, as far as possible, the success of operations.The chemical stimulation jobs consist in removal of formation damage and, in this regard, different types of fluids are designed in order to act on specific types of damage. However some oil wells commonly have several types of damage at the same time so, in the design phase it must be assured that each phase of the stimulation is carried out without interfering with the others. Otherwise there can be a number of undesirable consequences product of incompatibilities between stimulation fluids and reservoir fluids. Effluent characterization "in situ", during the stimulation jobs contain valuable information for directing the operation steps in order to prevent interaction of incompatible fluids and ensure the beginning and end of each treatment stage.This article contains the results of chemical stimulation carried out in the well Sucumbios-5, where physicochemical evaluation of formation fluids and the effluents of stimulation treatments allowed a proper diagnosis on the development of each of the series of stimulation treatments evaluated.Finally, the main findings and conclusions of the this study are shown. Figure 6 -pH and conductivity in the returns of the first stage (top), second stage-N2 lifting-(middle) and third stage-use of electric submersible pump-(bottom) SPE-169436-MS 7