There was an error published in Development 137, 237-247.In Fig. 2D, owing to the PPH-6 film being inadvertently flipped during scanning, the two lanes labelled as input instead showed flowthrough. A revised Fig. 2 with the correct input samples in D is shown below. In addition, a note has been added to the end of the legend to clarify the lack of GFP-SAPS-1 signal in these input lanes.This error does not affect the conclusions of this experiment or of the paper. The authors apologise to readers for this mistake. Western blot analysis using PPH-6 antibodies on wild-type or pph-6(RNAi) embryonic extracts. The blot was reprobed with α-tubulin antibodies as a loading control (bottom). Note the presence of two species, with the lower one exhibiting the predicted molecular weight of PPH-6 (∼37 kDa). Note also that the ratio between these two species varies among extracts (compare A with inputs in C). Similar variability is observed for SAPS-1 (B,C). The variation might be due to differences in the developmental stages of the embryos in the different preparations. (B) Western blot analysis of wild-type or saps-1(RNAi) embryonic extracts probed with SAPS-1 antibodies. Note presence of two major specific species, exhibiting the predicted molecular weight of the splice variants of SAPS-1 (∼80 kDa and 87 kDa). A non-specific band (NS) served as a loading control. (C) Coimmunoprecipitation from wild-type, pph-6(RNAi) or saps-1(RNAi) embryonic extracts using PPH-6 antibodies. Western blots were probed with antibodies against PPH-6, SAPS-1 or α-tubulin, as indicated. In the second row, the input is exposed 10 times longer than the IP. Input/IP=1:50. In three independent experiments, we observed that PPH-6 antibodies retrieved more PPH-6 from the saps-1(RNAi) extract than from the pph-6(RNAi) extract, despite similar depletion levels of PPH-6. Perhaps PPH-6 not bound to SAPS-1 is more accessible to PPH-6 antibodies. (D) Extract from embryos expressing GFP-SAPS-1 or from wild-type embryos immunoprecipitated with GFP antibodies and analyzed by western blot with GFP or PPH-6 antibodies, as indicated. Note that only the PPH-6 species with the lower molecular weight co-immunoprecipitates with GFP-SAPS-1. Input/IP=1:50 (overall levels of GFP-SAPS-1 protein in the embryonic lysates are low, hence the lack of detection of GFP-SAPS-1 in the input lanes).