Bhattacharyya, T. K., Butler, D. G., Price, C. S. 1980. Ultrastructural characteristics of adult rat adrenocortical cells maintained in vitro with and without ACTH. (Ramsay Wright Zoological Laboratories, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, and Division of Endocrinology, Toronto Western Hospital, and Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada.) — Acta zool. (Stockh.) 61(1): 9–21.
The ultrastructural morphology of adrenocortical cells of adult rats maintained in culture for four days with and without corticotropin (ACTH) was studied in comparison to freshly dissociated cells. Identification of cells belonging to zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis was made on the characteristics of the mitochondria and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), and was confirmed by comparison with cellular layers from intact adrenals. Without ACTH, glomerulosa and fasciculata cells showed disappearance of SER, atrophied Golgi apparatus (GA), and a striking proliferation of granular reticulum. Fascicular cells had a loss in mitochondrial matrix density and the mitochondrial cristae showed a tendency to convert to lamellar glomerulosa‐type cristae. Zona reticularis cells were not strikingly altered. Maintenance with ACTH led to increased cell size and islet formation of cortical cells. Glomerulosa cells had normal appearance and fasciculata cells manifested a pronounced development of GA and SER, and a normal configuration of mitochondria. The effects of ACTH on glomerulosa cells suggest a trophic influence of ACTH on these cells in vitro. The alterations observed in fascicular cell mitochondria and SER can be explained in terms of known concepts of steroid biosynthesis and basically agree with the patterns of steroid synthesis observed in these cells previously (Price et al. 1975).