“…Industry Application Category Process GB Type Target BB Type [32][33][34][35][36]92] Iron and steelmaking estimation and control "pickling process", "continuous casting", "hot strip mill" "serial", "parallel", "combined" "concentration of hydrochloric acid", "tundish temperature", "scale breaker entry temperature", "drying rate" "Taylor series", "PLS and RF", "ANN" [37][38][39] Food industry estimation and control 'fish drying process", "milk drying process", "whey separation" serial "drying rate", "moisture contents", "membrane fouling" "ANN", "exponential static membrane resistance function" [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54]93] Chemical, biochemical, and pharmaceutical "estimation and optimization", "estimation and control" "fermentation extraction", "twin screw extruder ", "extrusion", "mold cooling", "acetone-butanol ethanol fermentation process", "MP fermentation", "fed-batch fermentation", "evaporation plant"…”