Eight field studies were conducted in soybeans at seven locations in Kansas over a 3-yr period to examine the efficacy of using reduced rates of the herbicides acifluorfen, bentazon, chlorimuron, and tank mixes of acifluorfen and bentazon. POST applications of these herbicides at 1/2X rates at 2 wk after planting (WAP) resulted in broadleaf weed control similar to that obtained from standard treatments of 1X rates applied at 4 WAP at six of seven studies with acifluorfen, bentazon, and acifluorfen plus bentazon and at five of seven studies with chlorimuron. One-quarter rates applied 2 WAP were equivalent to standard treatments for broadleaf weed control in four of seven studies with acifluorfen and chlorimuron, five of seven studies with bentazon, and six of seven studies with acifluorfen plus bentazon. One cultivation at 4 WAP, increased the broadleaf weed control with all herbicide treatments.