The efficacies of 21 chemotherapeutic agents for controlling bacterial kidney disease were evaluated. The bactericidal and/or bacteriostatic effects of these drugs were tested against 11 Renibacterium salmoninarum strains with different origins. The most effective compounds displaying both bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity for all the isolates were tetracycline and erythromycin, with MICs ranging from <0.62 to 10.95 ,ug/ml for tetracycline and from <0.62 to 5.47 ,ug/ml for erythromycin. Whereas tetracycline showed identical MICs and MBCs, erythromycin showed bactericidal effects at concentrations of 5.47 to 21.87 ,ug/ml. Similarly, cefazolin and tiamulin proved to be very effective bactericidal compounds against the majority of R. salmoninarum isolates, with MBCs for 90% of the strains tested of 21.87 and 10.95 ,ug/ml, respectively. Neither nitrofuranes, quinolones, nor sulfonamides showed inhibitory effects on the growth of the strains.Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) is a severe systemic infection of wild and hatchery-reared salmonids throughout the world (14,17,18,22). However, BKD, caused by the gram-positive, fastidious, slow-growing bacterium Renibacterium salmoninarum, is considered one of the most difficult bacterial fish diseases to control because the pathogen can be transmitted vertically (10), it being present within the egg (12, 13). Erythromycin has been long employed as the antibiotic of choice for combating Renibacterium infections (3, 24), but it is known that this compound does not eliminate completely the pathogen from the host (13). In addition, the widespread use of erythromycin for controlling BKD could lead to the development of strains resistant to this drug (5). The apparent intracellular survival of the bacterium within fish macrophages (8, 25), which can be attributed to the highly hydrophobic character of the R. salmoninarum cell wall (4, 9, 11), has been cited as a main factor limiting the usefulness of the therapeutic agents (3,15,20). In humans, however, erythromycin seems to be concentrated intracellularly by macrophages (6).In the present work, we conducted an extensive study of the efficacy of 21 chemotherapeutic agents against different strains of R. salmoninarum, determining, in addition, whether these compounds act like bacteriostatic or bactericidal agents and therefore the possibility of using some of them for controlling BKD.Bacterial strains and chemotherapeutic agents. Eleven strains of R. salmoninarum isolated from different fish species and geographical locations were utilized in this study. Strains ATCC 33209 (from Oncorhynchus tschawystcha) and ATCC 33739 (from Salvelinus fontinalis) were supplied by the American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Md.; strains 417, 419, 420, 422, and 426 were isolated from Salmo salar in Scotland; strains K76 (from S. fontinalis) and 466 (from Oncorhynchus kisutch) were isolated in Canada; and strains K46 (NCMB1111) and Rl were isolated from salmonid fish in the United Kingdom and Canada, respectively. These strains were kindly...