The utility of constant blowing as an aerodynamic load control concept for wind turbine blades was explored experimentally. A NACA 0018 airfoil model equipped with control slots near the leading edge and at mid-chord was investigated initially under quasi-static conditions at Reynolds numbers ranging from 1.25 · 10 5 to 3.75 · 10 5 . Blowing from the leading-edge slot showed a significant potential for load control applications. Leading-edge stall was either promoted or inhibited depending on the momentum coefficient, and a corresponding reduction or increase in lift on the order of Δc l ≈ 0.5 was obtained. Control from the mid-chord slot counteracted trailing-edge stall but was ineffective at preventing leading-edge separation. The impact of blowing from the leading-edge slot on dynamic stall was explored by means of unsteady surface pressure measurements and simultaneous particle image velocimetry above the suction surface. At a sufficiently high momentum coefficient, the formation and shedding of the dynamic stall vortex were fully suppressed. This led to a significant reduction in lift hysteresis and form drag while simultaneously mitigating moment coefficient excursions.airfoil pitching frequency, Hz h = control slot height (1.2 mm) k = reduced pitching frequency; πfc∕U ∞ M = Mach number N = number of samples Re = Reynolds number; U ∞ c∕ν s = airfoil span (610 mm) u = streamwise velocity component (wind-tunnel frame of reference), m∕s U e = local boundary-layer edge velocity, m∕s U j = blowing jet velocity, m∕s U ∞ = wind-tunnel speed, m∕s _ V = volumetric blowing flow rate, m 3 ∕s x, y = chordwise and chord-normal positions (airfoil frame of reference), m x 0 , y 0 = streamwise and normal positions (wind-tunnel frame of reference), m y m = distance of the point of maximum jet velocity from the wall, m α = angle of attack, deg α s = static stall angle, deg Δc l = relative change in lift coefficient produced by control η = angle of the control slots relative to the airfoil surface (20 deg) ν = kinematic viscosity, m 2 ∕s σ c l = standard deviation of the lift coefficient σ c m = standard deviation of the moment coefficient ϕ= phase angle of the sinusoidal pitching motion, deg ω = airfoil pitching angular frequency; 2πf ω z = nondimensional vorticity; ∂v∕∂x − ∂u∕∂y · c∕U ∞