The foundation of orthodontic treatment is the orthodontic appliance, therefore improving it would change the requirements for oral health while also improving general orthodontic treatment. From the traditional methods to the modernized world, dentistry has undergone enormous advancements and movements that have increased the scope of dental treatment and frameworks. By improving treatment accuracy, efficacy, and efficiency while reducing treatment time and patient discomfort, robotic archwire bending can address the drawbacks of manual bending and enhance orthodontic treatment. Robotic archwire bending can overcome the shortcomings of manual bending by increasing the treatment accuracy, efficacy, and efficiency, also decreasing the treatment time and patient discomfort thus improving the orthodontic treatment in general. Because of the robot's advantages in standardization, industrialization, and intelligence, prosthodontics and orthodontics have undergone a significant revolution from qualitative to quantitative, and this has been a key area for medical robot development.