From a system-theoretical point of view there are only a limited number of degrees of freedom in the input-output dynamics of a reservoir system. This means that, for a given configuration of wells, a large number of combinations of the state variables (pressure and saturation values) are not actually controllable and observable from the wells, and accordingly, they are not affecting the input-output behavior of the system. In an earlier publication we therefore proposed a control-relevant upscaling (CRU) methodology that uniformly coarsens the reservoir model based on the relevant level of information and control. Here we present a selective (i.e. non-uniform) grid coarsening method to allow treatment of very large models with high degree of heterogeneity in their parameter fields. In this control-relevant selective coarsening (CRSC) method, the criterion for selective grid size adaptation is based on the controllability and observability properties of the reservoir system; hence we selectively coarsen only the weakly controllable and observable parts of the model. The CRSC method is particularly attractive for use in flooding optimization or history matching studies for a given configuration of wells. We applied our algorithm to two numerical examples and found that the CRSC algorithm can accurately reproduce results from the corresponding fine-scale simulations, while speeding up the simulation.
Conventional upscaling
At present the computational limits for reservoir flow simulation restrict the model order to typically 104 to 106. Here, the model order is defined as the number of time-dependent variables (i.e. state variables such as grid block pressures, saturations or component accumulations) which is typically equal to the number of active grid blocks times the number of components (i.e. hydrocarbon components and water) in the simulation. The number of time-independent model parameters is usually of the same order of magnitude because they are also proportional to the number of grid blocks (e.g. grid block permeabilities and porosities). However, geological subsurface models often represent the subsurface heterogeneity with 106 to 109 parameters ('voxels') and some form of upscaling is therefore required to transfer the relevant features of a geological model to a flow simulation model. The uncertainty of the geological parameters is increasingly taken into account by simulating an ensemble of model realizations, which significantly increases the computational demands, especially when it is also required to perform repeated simulations for flooding optimization or history matching. In particular, we consider the application of reservoir simulation for 'closed-loop reservoir management', which involves the use of simulation models during the producing life of a reservoir for near-continuous flooding optimization based on frequently updated, 'evergreen', reservoir models (see e.g. Jansen et al. 2009). Even although the rapid increase of cluster computing facilitates such operational use of reservoir simulation, reducing the number of grid blocks, and thus the model order, through upscaling remains a computational and practical necessity. There are different upscaling techniques varying from simple averaging methods on uniform Cartesian cells to sophisticated flow-based techniques on adaptive and unstructured grids. Extensive reviews of the different methods were written by e.g. Wen et al. (1996), Renard and Marsily (1997) and Durlofsky (2005).