The object of this study is electromechanical processes in an autonomous wind power plant with a magnetoelectrical generator.
Under actual conditions, the wind speed is constantly changing. The wind turbine works as efficiently as possible only at the rated value of wind speed. When the wind speed changes, the efficiency of converting mechanical wind energy into electrical energy decreases. Controlling the power of the electric generator when the wind speed changes is a relevant scientific and technical task.
A maximum power selection control system based on the parameters of an experimental sample of a synchronous magnetoelectric generator has been designed and investigated. A feature of the synthesized control system is that it was developed on the basis of the concept of inverse dynamics problems in combination with minimization of local functionals of instantaneous energy values. The control law provides weak sensitivity to parametric perturbations of the object and carries out dynamic decomposition of the interdependent nonlinear system, which predetermines its practical implementation. Transient processes of the power, voltage, and current of the stator, as well as the voltage and excitation current were established when the wind speed changes from 3 to 8 m/s, as well as when the active electrical resistance of the load changes.
The results of this study confirm the effectiveness of the maximum power take-off control system when wind speed and load change. When the wind speed changes within 3–8 m/s and the load by 50 %, the efficiency of converting mechanical wind energy into electrical energy increases by 15–40 % compared to the traditional magnetoelectric system.
The findings of the current study are recommended for practical use in autonomous power plants based on wind turbines with generators with permanent magnets.