Abstract. In this paper we consider the convergence of the infinite dimensional version of the Kleinman-Newton algorithm for solving the algebraic Riccati operator equation associated with the linear quadratic regulator problem in a Hilbert space. We establish mesh independence for this algorithm and apply the result to systems governed by delay equations. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the results. There are two basic issues that need to be addressed in developing practical numerical approximations for control. First, it is essential that the approximation scheme leads to finite dimensional approximating Riccati equations that converge (under mesh refinement) to the solution of the infinite dimensional Riccati equation. This is a well-studied problem (see [7], [14], [26], [33], and [43]). It is now well known that to obtain norm convergence for the Riccati equation, the approximation scheme must satisfy some form of convergence, dual convergence, and uniform preservation of stabilizability and detectability under mesh refinement (see [7] and [33]). These concepts will be made more precise in section 7.1. The important point here is that many "standard" convergent approximation schemes do not satisfy all the conditions necessary for norm convergence of the Riccati operators (see [16]). If this issue is ignored when one develops an approximation scheme for control design and optimization, then the resulting numerical algorithm can fail to produce accurate and useful results (see the numerical examples in section 9). In this paper we show that these properties are also key ingredients in establishing mesh independence of Newton-type algorithms.