Secret-key agreement using physical identifiers is a promising security protocol for the authentication of users and devices with small chips, owing to its lightweight security. In the previous studies, the fundamental limits of such a protocol were analyzed, and the results showed that two auxiliary random variables were involved in the capacity region expressions. However, with two auxiliary random variables, it is difficult to directly apply the expressions to derive the computable forms of the capacity regions for certain information sources such as binary and Gaussian sources, which hold importance in practical applications. In this paper, we explore the structure of authentication channels and reveal that for the classes of degraded and less noisy authentication channels, a single auxiliary random variable is sufficient to express the capacity regions. As specific examples, we use the expressions with one auxiliary random variable to derive the computable forms for binary and Gaussian sources. Numerical calculations for the Gaussian case show the tradeoff between secret-key and privacy-leakage rates under a given storage rate, which illustrates how the noise in the enrollment phase affects the capacity region.