Taberner AJ, Han J-C, Loiselle DS, Nielsen PM. An innovative work-loop calorimeter for in vitro measurement of the mechanics and energetics of working cardiac trabeculae. J Appl Physiol 111: 1798 -1803. First published September 8, 2011 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00752.2011.-We describe a unique work-loop calorimeter with which we can measure, simultaneously, the rate of heat production and force-length work output of isolated cardiac trabeculae. The mechanics of the force-length work-loop contraction mimic those of the pressure-volume work-loops experienced by the heart. Within the measurement chamber of a flowthrough microcalorimeter, a trabecula is electrically stimulated to respond, under software control, in one of three modes: fixed-end, isometric, or isotonic. In each mode, software controls the position of a linear motor, with feedback from muscle force, to adjust muscle length in the desired temporal sequence. In the case of a work-loop contraction, the software achieves seamless transitions between phases of length control (isometric contraction, isometric relaxation, and restoration of resting muscle length) and force control (isotonic shortening). The area enclosed by the resulting force-length loop represents the work done by the trabecula. The change of enthalpy expended by the muscle is given by the sum of the work term and the associated amount of evolved heat. With these simultaneous measurements, we provide the first estimation of suprabasal, net mechanical efficiency (ratio of work to change of enthalpy) of mammalian cardiac trabeculae. The maximum efficiency is at the vicinity of; heat; enthalpy; efficiency; microcalorimeter THE ADVANTAGE OF USING ISOLATED tissue preparations for the study of cardiac energetics arises from the ease of administration of ionic or pharmacological interventions. The disadvantage of their use is that it is difficult to achieve realistic approximations of the mechanics of the intact heart. In situ, the heart repetitively undergoes a pressure-volume-time trajectory consisting of sequential periods of isovolumic contraction, emptying, isovolumic relaxation, and passive refilling. Commonly, experiments consist entirely of unloaded, isometric or, more usually, fixed-end contractions. Such artificial mechanical events are rarely, if ever, encountered by the heart. To enhance our understanding of cardiac energetics, it is thus desirable to adopt contraction protocols that more closely resemble the repetitive pressure-volume-time behavior of the heart. Such approximations have been achieved previously using multicellular, isolated, cardiac preparations. Gibbs and colleagues (6, 22) routinely measured the heat and work output of papillary muscles undergoing afterloaded isotonic contractions, thereby generating characteristic enthalpy-load relations and allowing derivation of the load-dependence of mechanical efficiency. Peterson et al. (21) were the first to apply a computer-based "adaptive" approach to the control of muscle segment length to generate isotonic con...