The progress in web based DSS technologies in recent decades has given individuals many opportunities to make their business environments and daily lives so easier that could never been imagined before. Use of traffic information systems are getting wider. In this study, a decision support system for individuals' travel alternatives between any origin and destination points in urban areas is described. The original study is derived from a project prepared for the Ankara Municipality (Turkey). The described project gave individuals opportunity to select among all travel alternatives under different criteria, both for public transport riders and car users. It is a web based DSS, which uses GIS. The Floyd-Warshall algorithm has been used to solve all-pairs shortest path problem. Static data are based on base map, addresses, point of interests, lines, stops, schedules, etc. The dynamic data are received from the online vehicle tracking system. The design of the project is given to help other researchers design their projects according to the requirements specific for their own cities.